What if the air quality is poor?
All programs in the Sierra Athletic Conference (VJE's league) follow the same air quality standards approved by the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF). The following is an excerpt from SAC rules regarding the Air Quality Index Policy.
An air quality of less than 151 must be registered, at the beginning of the contest, for all outdoor athletic events hosted by Sierra Athletic Conference (SAC) member organizations during Preseason, league, and championship events, SAC member schools may not host outdoor contests when the AQI is equal to or greater than 151.
a. In cases of practice, an air quality index under 135 allows teams to practice without modification.
b. An air quality of 135-150 requires teams to conduct walk-thru practice or move indoors.
c. An air quality of 151 or above requires teams to cancel all outdoor practices or move indoors.
0-134 Full practice | 135-150 Walk-Thru or indoors | 151 or higher, cancel or move indoors
NOTE: Host organization determines AQI using an app or website information. The SAC Rules committee mandates the use of the website www.airnow.gov unless the host organization is practicing or playing at a site that has its own air quality meter that has been properly installed, maintained, and serviced.